Metamorphosis II Seen 247 times

Model: Rakel Ósk
"She is amongst those people who grow slowly on your soul, like that old tune of music or that old piece of wrting. She takes her own sweet time to unfold but you would still stick around, you could sense something alluring, something mysterious about her presence. Then as the time would pass, you would notice the little things that made her layers, the way she walks, the way she smiles. The way her eyes twinkles and shine while quoting her favourite piece. The way she carries just the right hint of vulnerability and such brutal honesty."

Release date: 2015-02-11
Photo selected by the administrators: no

Copyright © Dela Peña Mary Grace (Denmark), All rights reserved.
This photograph cannot be used without the written consent of its author.


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Dela Peña Mary Grace (Denmark)
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